לפני שאני רץ להוסיף תגיות ולעשות אי-אלו הפניות, יתכן שאני
טועה והאתר שלי לא ''סובל מתוכן כפול ? זה מה שהוובמאסר מראה לי:
HTML suggestions
We didn't detect any content issues with your site. As we crawl your site, we check it to detect any potential issues with content on your pages, including duplicate, missing, or problematic title tags or meta descriptions. These issues won't prevent your site from appearing in Google search results, but paying attention to them can provide Google with more information and even help drive traffic to your site. For example, title and meta description text can appear in search results, and useful, descriptive text is more likely to be clicked on by users. More Information
Last updated Jan 17, 2011